
MLK day

"Rosa sat so Martin could walk..Martin walked so Obama could run..Obama ran so our kids could FLY"

Before I get into what I originally wanted to write about I thought I'd start by giving a special shoutout to one of my readers that keeps up w/ my life via blogspot. That special reader would be ASHLEY all the way from Canada thanks for taking time out of your busy schedule to read my blogs and try to dissect each post to see what/who I'm talking about. When I'm talking about Tone I will make sure to put his name so you won't have to go through the troubles of sending IMs and texts to see if it's him I'm referring to. It's good to know even after a yr my life and relationships still entertain you.

Ok now that I got that out of my system I can go into what I originally planned to blog about. Selma Lord Selma just went off and it never fails...I got really teary eyed when the white guy got shot by the Klansman. I'm thankful that I wasn't born/raised in that time bc they went through so much pain mentally, physically, and emotionally and I don't think I'd be able to handle it. It just makes me thankful for the freedom and rights I have today. I may just call my greatgrandma and grandma and hear their stories about their expierences in the Civil Rights era. I finally purchased my ticket last night and my flight leaves at 7:50...I should be there around 11ish. All I have to say now is it's time to get back to the money sis! I'm so ready to gooooo and get away for a while and be around the circle thats been there since day 1. He is really trying to get me to stay and it's funny listening to him beg lol. The way he's asking me to stay you'd think I was moving away and not going away for a couple of wks. I'll miss you though so calm down. Speaking of moving my sis really wants me to consider moving back to the bay..but I honestly can't see me being a resident out there. You never know though we'll see how this trip goes. It's 6:17 and I haven't done anything I was suppose to do today. I haven't packed, got my suitcase from the airport (on my way back to Detroit SWA some how managed to let one of my bags get left behind...thank God it got here the next day), washed/flat iron my hair, and updated my ipod. I need to get up and get some of this handled bc time is passing by mighty fast. Seeing that I need to get a new laptop I won't be able to blog as much as I do until I get that handled. Doyle I'll be getting at you pretty soon about that laptop...damn I need a new cam too lol! Tomorrow is a BIG day...we'll be closing a loong 8yr chp. called Bush and starting a new chp. called Obama. Obama will no longer be called President-Elect but the President of the United States. Saying that puts a smile on my face =]. It's good to see that after MLK day Obama will be in office. Well he's downstairs sooo I need to go. *checks "to pick up suitcase" off the list*.
The pic is huge and I don't feel like resizing...but my friend had a baby girl and I didn't even know! Awww I can't wait to see them when I go home.. You did a good job Ken!


Athena Christine said...

awe, the baby is adorable. I can not wait until tomarrow. YAY for Obama. ;]

le said...

i knooow i'm hella excited to see her...tomorrow is the day we've all been waiting for

Mr.Mambia said...

Smh @ the shout out to home girl.

somethingnew said...

pretty baby

Miss Daja said...

my president is black..yes i said it!
and take me with u please..

aww look at the baby!

India said...

i love the quote.

&& love, briit said...

the baby is soo beautiful

le said...

sorry wimp i had to do it

thanks to all the baby comments

no daja you can't come!!!! thanks india

Anonymous said...

While playing in cyberspace I stumbled across your blog. It's refreshing to see a girl have a blog about something other than make up.

Anonymous said...

omg freaking adorable !

Adina Renée. said...

i miss you nigga, lol.

Lizzy said...

-patiently waiting for your next update

I don't know where you've been missy but it's time for a new update :) I've missed ya. Hope you're doing well.